Thursday, October 27, 2011

By the time you read this, the Chandramohan Library will be live online with a new resource: LibGuides. Designed to be a powerhouse of resources for a specific target audience, LibGuides can point students to the best resources to complete an assignment (see the guide for the Community Impact Project) or introduce a selection of great reading titles.

LibGuides allow us to create a custom, one-stop turbo-charge to help students easily identify resources and practices that will be useful in completing a specific assignment. Students might find a Youtube video on selecting keywords that return über results, a section on note taking and avoiding plagiarism or hints for scouring the Internet without getting overwhelmed (or underwhelmed). We can point out helpful databases, books or high authority websites, too.

Look for the LibGuides link on the Prep Website, on the librarian’s page (left navigation sidebar). We’ll be adding new guides throughout the year, and looking to exploit the full potential of LibGuides. Stay tuned…..

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Savoring the Journey

Neil Gaiman's Basement Library. Photo by Kyle Cassidy; courtesy of Shelfari
Surprise! A guest blogger.

This entry is written by Mike Miley, who teaches English (9th and 12th grades) at Flintridge Preparatory School. He is a writer, observer, and passionate participant in the discourse of film criticism, literature and life in general.

I ought to find libraries and bookstores intimidating. After all, I'm entering a place stuffed with books I haven't read, things I don't know. Yet I'm always comforted when I open the doors and see stacks upon stacks of books because those unread tomes represent my future.
I love that there's something I still need to know. It means I have something left to do, something new to discover. I smile with the anticipation that someday soon, I will read these books and my life will be fuller, richer. I hesitate to say my life will be more complete, because I don't ever want this to stop.
Think about it: what if I have yet to read my favorite book of all-time? In fact, I hope I haven't, no matter how awesome INFINITE JEST is.
Some people's dream houses look like mansions. Mine looks a lot like a library.
-Mike Miley