Thursday, April 23, 2015

That. Couch.

That. Couch.

It’s been called the coolest new place to hang out, the best place to study; and the place everybody wants to be.

It’s the slightly slouchy, mildly funky drama prop: That Couch.

It was pressed into service in the library, on the second floor landing, as a place to rest between jaunts to the food trucks during our Film and Music Festival.

That Couch was supposed to move back to the drama department the next school day.

But it lingered. Once word got out, its popularity gave it some leverage – so it stayed on.

A week of conversations, laughter, and music happened on That Couch, along with some studying. The space is empty now, and quiet. Who could guess That Couch could turn an empty space into a lively spot to gather? It’s funny what draws people to a place….

Mrs. Eldridge

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