Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Read anything Pinteresting lately?

I’m extremely selective when it comes to social media.  It really has to be worth checking daily to enhance the quality of my life, or I'm not interested.  I tried, then dropped Twitter.  I figured if Tina Fey's tweets weren't that interesting, whose would be?  I’m technically a member of LinkedIn, but I never, never use it.  Frankly, I’m not sure why I would ever use it.  I keep in touch with fellow independent school librarians through our handy-dandy listserv through email—the old fashioned way. 
Facebook has been a wonderful link to my kids and grandkids, as well as old friends, and graduates of Prep.  My favorite addition to my tiny arsenal of social media sites has been *Pinterest.* Our family has used it to create a group board for the purpose of planning my daughter’s wedding, I follow boards of Prep graduates, family members, and interesting strangers. I’ve saved books to read, places to go, recipes to try, organizational ideas, cool crafts, helpful handy household hints, and librarian stuff.  Yes, I have a board called “Librarian Stuff.”  It’s a technical term. 

And, along with some of my colleagues from around the country, I contribute to a group board called “Interesting things librarians do in their libraries.”  This is instant networking I can wholeheartedly support!  Above is a fine example of a Banned Books Week display that I’d love to try…

And here is another banned books idea that would be fun…

Who wouldn’t want to have Jon Stewart explain the importance of books? 

Yes, this is librarian geekdom at its very finest!  I guess this is a commercial for Pinterest.  It's great for people who are visual, who are tired of maintaining paper files of good ideas, who want to go to a single place where they can save great stuff to do, to remember, to see, to hear, to read, to eat, to wear, to try.  Check it out to see what Pinterest can do for you!

Mrs. Hodge

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Book spine poetry

April is National Poetry Month, which I’m sure you have all highlighted on your calendars.  To commemorate these 30 days of all manner of verse, we have a display in the upstairs glass case, with lovely poems created with titles from book spines.  We are inviting students to create their own poems to add to our display.  If you think poetry isn’t your thing, consider reading a children’s book, Love that Dog, by Sharon Creech, which will also be in the case; it could change your mind about poetry forevermore. 

Watch for the annual Poetry Slam, held in the lower library reading room, for another chance to share a favorite poem, or two.  Consider carrying a copy of a poem on April 18th, which is “Poem in your Pocket Day.”  Surprise your friends during lunch, as you regale them with verse, be it humorous, dramatic, intense, or romantic.  For you prom-goers, never underestimate the power of a poem recited during the evening.  You can make your evening even more magical!

Mrs. Hodge

Monday, April 1, 2013

5 Things You Can Get at a Library - besides books, magazines and the Internet.....

(spoiler alert: some librarians travel to other libraries - to compare, to "borrow" ideas, become inspired, and revel in library-ness. While this may seem alarmingly nerdy, I can assure you- it's fun.)

If I could, I'd visit every library in the world. Until then, the Internet makes for fine virtual traveling. Here's a sampling of things you can get from libraries other than books, magazines and access to Internet:
Monty, the circulating stress-reliever. Photo used with permission.

1. Dog. Got stress? Check out Monty, the antidote for stress at the Lillian Goldman Yale Law Library. Last week, Monty visited with students, braving cold, wet weather and rolling on the library rug.*

2. Seeds. Spring is here. At Basalt library in Colorado spring planning begins at the library. Not only with gardening books, but with seeds. The library is checking out seed packets selected especially for the area and hopes that library patrons will "return" the seeds after growing and harvesting the "borrowed" seeds from their gardens this year.

3. Office space. Need temporary space to work? Network? Meet? Urban Office in Finland has space for you. You can book a meeting room and even presentation equipment. In 2010, the Helsinki Public Library opened Urban Space and has added two additional spaces for community members to use.

4. Involved. Become an information producer. "Library You" at Escondido Public Library helps patrons showcase their talents. The series of "how to ......." videos are fun and informative.

5.Gems. Beyond the walls of the library are gems: rare and exotic books that exist in faraway locations. The service, Extramural Interlibrary Loans can bring them to you. Recently the book, Two letters of Dom Alvaro de Noronha from Hormuz: Turkish activities along the coast of Arabia, 1550-1552 was loaned to a patron doing research for a doctoral thesis. Steven Kilgore, the librarian in charge of the service, queries: "Isn’t it interesting how a title of one book can inspire you to probe outside the walls of your known universe into the past and ask questions...?"

The folks who work at libraries are innovative. They listen for ideas and look for opportunities to involve their community with the library. They are good listeners. Anything you'd like to say?

Mrs. Eldridge

*I found out about Monty's latest activities by chatting with Sarah, a librarian at Lilian Goldman Yale Law Library, last week. Check out the floating chat icon on the link to the library, it's cool.